
Thursday, 16 April 2020

Arlington Square - slow and steady sewing

Hi all,
I haven't forgotten that I promised a Log Cabin tutorial.  Apologies for not posting yet, but I have been diverted by the glorious Spring sunshine and have spent most of my time in the garden.  As I couldn't garden for most of last year, it has been good to catch up a bit during the enforced isolation. 

So sewing has been restricted to the evenings, and with limited space on the dining room table (family members WFH) I turned to hand piecing.

I started this quilt in a class last August, and made centres for most of the blocks whilst on holiday last September.  Since then, not much progress.... 

However for the past ten days, after a compulsory couple of games of Scrabble with the kids after supper, I have hand pieced for a few hours each evening while bingeing on TV box sets.

Amazing how doing a small amount of stitching regularly chips away at what initially seems an impossibly huge task.  I have now finished 32 of the 41 main blocks and am working on the half blocks for the edges of the quilt.

The fabrics make me happy and the rhythm of hand stitching is almost meditative.  I am really looking forward to getting the layout finalised, but that can't happen till all the blocks have been completed.  

However I have laid out a few blocks so you can see the secondary star element of the design which appears when the blocks touch.  Great pattern from Emma Mary Designs (Queen of Fabrics) and the shop looks wonderful - wish Australia was nearer...!

All for now - keep on sewing!

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