
Friday, 25 September 2015

QOTG Sawtooth Stars - finished!

Very happy to post today that I have finished this UFO quilt: I first blogged about it here on 2nd September, having not touched it for quite a few years.  As I am seriously determined to clear some of my old projects I set a deadline of finishing before the end of September; I am simultaneously thrilled to have finished on time AND embarrassed that this project had sat around so long when it only took three weeks of application to get it finished....

This often happens, I find, with abandoned projects, to me at any rate: when I finally get around to tackling something that has become a major issue in my mind, I usually find I have done more than I think I have and it never takes as long to finish as I anticipate.  Especially if I set myself a public deadline!  Come to think of it, the same comment applies to filling in my tax return...

It feels so good to have finally finished this quilt: handstitching the binding was great.

There are 25 blocks in the quilt, measuring 78" square, making it fit nicely on top of a double bed. Each 13" framed block has a different centre so this is a sort of sampler quilt.  I have never been too keen on sampler quilts but I like the way that framing each block helps to unify the design, plus the repetition of the sawtooth star shape in each block, of course.

The way value is used gives very different effects, so it is sometimes hard to see the star (for example in the photo below, the block at the right hand end of the middle row) and this adds interest.

I will not include photos of every block but here are some of my favourites: the close ups show the quilting design which was made up of intersecting oval shapes, easy to do but looks complex. The cable quilting in the sashing helps to conceal the join between the blocks.

And here is the Quilting-on-the-Go label Carolyn gave me all those years ago when I did her class, which I found when tidying up recently!  The photo shows off the backing fabric nicely too.

Linking today to Amanda Jean at Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish it up Friday.  Hope you make progress on some of your outstanding projects over the weekend - finishing feels so good!


  1. What a beautiful quilt. Love the neutrals, great finish.

  2. This is lovely. It looks vintage... beautiful quilting.

  3. Thank you for sharing your struggles. I agree with making goals public. If I tell enough people I am going to do something, I am much more likely to do it. And it is so worth it. The quilt is beautiful.
