
Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Lozenge layered

Forgot to post the photo of actual Spring flowers last time so here they are: early dog violets in all their modest beauty.

There is not much depth of field with my little automatic camera so please forgive the less than professional shot, I just wanted to capture the intense purple and green, not colours I tend to choose for my patchwork, but so lovely in nature.

On the sewing front, I have almost finished my second batch of small taupe circles for my Quartet BOM, but I thought I would show you the Lozenge EPP top which I finished putting together recently.  Here it is all layered up ready for handquilting.

I started the quilting today so it is my WIP for today's WIP Wednesday with Lee at Freshly Pieced. This little quilt will be a WIP for some time as I am pretty slow at hand quilting.  And EPP for that matter - this has been my take-along project for quite a while.

I am off to Nantes on Friday for the quilt show organised by Quiltmania, Pour l'Amour du Fil.  I will be away all weekend with two quilting friends - what a treat!  Hope to show you some photos next week.  Till then, enjoy your quilting.


  1. Wow, what a gorgeous quilt - and you're going to hand quilt it too? Hats off ... Lovely work :)

  2. So impressive! I applaud anyone that can do epp and hand quilting!
