
Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Pressing on

Oh, the difference a new iron can make to a girl!  I am happy, happy, happy - I have got rid of my four foot high pile of ironing (you think I exaggerate?) and I have cleared my piecing-pressing backlog ie all the things waiting to be pressed that have been causing a log jam in various projects. Progress is about to be made (once I've done all the other jobs on tomorrow's list).

What I did manage to start after my last post, and which is my WIP for today's link to Freshly Pieced, was the first month of the Quartet BOM, mentioned here.  I had such a good time piecing these little blocks, and yes, I did chain piece them.  Trimmed they measure 2 3/8": thank you whoever invented foundation piecing!

So that's the first month trimmed and roughly laid out, ready to stitch together into one big block. I need to tweak the order though - that could take some time...

I have started on Month 3, skipping the applique just for now, and will show you more next week.

Meanwhile, I had a lovely day on Saturday teaching at my LQS: I had three great students, Lynn, Alison and Pat, learning to make the Stardancer variation of the sawtooth star block with a chevron border.  I blogged about this quilt here and here.

The girls worked so hard and pieced so precisely - you could cut yourself on the blocks and border the points are so sharp!  As always in a class the colour choices make the work so individual and I loved all of these quilts-in-the-making.

Alison also came up with an alternative layout which will make the stars float on her dark background: I look forward to seeing just how different this quilt will look from its neighbours.

One of the many great things about patchwork is that the same basic pattern is re-imagined by each one of us and made our own; even with the BOM, when the same fabric is sent out to each maker, my quilt and my friend Sylvia's will be subtly, or maybe not so subtly, different because of our piecing choices.  Delightful diversity.

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