You won't be surprised to learn that I still have fabric and UFO's from those days in my cupboard, so, having recently been working with new and bright fabrics, I felt the need to dig out an old(er) and duller (but in a good way) WIP.
There is a bit of a saga attached to this one which I will try to keep short. Basically I thought I wanted to use all my Thimbleberries fabrics to make a quilt following one of the designs in the original Nickel Quilts book by Path Speth and Charlene Thode.
(BTW the cover quilt is my all time favourite from the book but I haven't got my act together on that one yet).
The pattern I intended to make is called Arlington Road and I duly set to and did a lot of cutting and a lot of lovely chain piecing BUT.... then I decided I didn't like the design as much as I thought, or at any rate not in the colours I had chosen. So, I shoved it all back in the cupboard where it has been festering for goodness knows how long.
This past week I have had a little more time and seem to have been a little more focused, so dug it out and chose another pattern from the same book which would use all my hundreds of four-patches and large half square triangles: the result is Buffalo Ridge, which is a sort of modified Jacob's Ladder, I think.
Anyway I liked the setting with sashing and the maths worked, so happy to report I now have sixteen large (18") blocks, each made up of four smaller blocks and sashing strips, ready for setting together.
The only problem is that I have some of the other components of the original design left over... but I think I may have found another quilt design which will use these up, so watch this space!
Do you find that somehow one quilt always leads to another, or is that just me???
Linking to Lee at Freshly Pieced - I love her Modern Solids Challenge quilt - for WIP Wednesday.
This is going to be a very nice quilt!