
About Me

Hi, I'm Alison, thank you for visiting my blog.  I make quilts, lots of quilts, and have been sewing, like many of you, I expect, all my life. I started doing patchwork 'properly' when my daughter was nine months old, having given up on making clothes for her older brother because he either got my creations completely filthy, grubbing in the garden, or outgrew them almost as soon as I had made them.

No creative satisfaction there, but in contrast, patchwork quilts don't have to fit and aren't usually outgrown, just treasured as part of our past. I was hooked and haven't looked back. The rotary cutting revolution came at the right time for me: there wasn't really much patchwork when I was growing up other than hexagon paper piecing. I adored learning all the quick rotary cutting techniques and chain piecing was a revelation (hence the choice of name for this blog) as I had a recalcitrant sewing machine which chewed up the thread at the beginning of every line of stitching.

Many years on, I have worked in a couple of patchwork shops and done a fair amount of teaching; both activities involve sharing with others that pleasure all quiltmakers have in making and working with fabric and colour. Some of the same pleasure is to be had over the internet, and there are so many inspirational blogs and photos on Pinterest that I am still obsessed with this craft, and hope to go on learning and sharing for a long time yet.

My three children are now mostly grown up and managing their own lives. My very tolerant husband and I will be just two again, plus our beloved dog Alfie, of course. The pattern of life may change but we will piece it together as we go.

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